2017 OEI Alum

Amy Huynh, is the fourth daughter of Steven Hoang Huynh and Khanh Mieu Luu comes from a hoa kiều narrative, meaning her parents were ethnically Chinese and nationally Vietnamese people, before resettling in the US as refugees. Amy believes that her identity formation has had an immense impact on her, as a person who sees the personal as political; who relates to others, the land and her own ever changing self conceptualization. Amy is currently a fifth year at UC Berkeley where she studies geography and environmental economics and policy. Amy’s fifth year is culminating in writing her geography honors thesis on the collective Vietnamese memory, land relations and decolonized farming futurities. Most recently, Amy was an environmental justice educator, working with young Southeast Asian womxn at Banteay Srei, a non-profit in Oakland’s Chinatown. She enjoys cooking, cold chai lattes and chlorophyll as a metaphor and process.