Training and Support

Thank you for your interest in learning more about how Justice Outside might meet your consulting, coaching, and/or organizational assessment needs. We are taking most of 2024 to reflect and design a new approach that allows us to add our unique and valuable contributions to the field. Please fill out this inquiry form and we will reach out to you in the fall with an update.

Who we are:

Justice Outside is a national nonprofit that is transforming the outdoor and environmental movement by shifting resources to, building power with, and centering the voices and leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. To learn more about our mission and vision, please visit our “About Us” page.

What we do:

Our programs are focused at the intersection of racial justice and the outdoors to provide individuals, institutions, and communities with resources, training, and support to build a stronger movement that allows more people to thrive. Radical change must happen at all levels: individuals identify implicit bias, public entities prioritize policies that provide greater access and recognition to Communities of Color, institutions abolish organizational practices that marginalize People of Color, and the philanthropic sector adopts and prioritizes equitable practices.

Our training and support services help outdoor and environmental organizations advance anti-racism within their teams. Participants work to end white-centric organizational norms and practices that erase and de-prioritize the contributions of People of Color, and to develop the skills necessary to dismantle the influences of systemic racism within their organizations.

Our approach:

  • We build commitment to racial justice. Today’s outdoor & environmental movement has made some steps in the right direction, with more individuals and organizations recognizing the field’s history of racism and prioritizing efforts to increase diversity and inclusion — but diversity goals do not go far enough. We help our training clients make specific commitments to advancing racial justice and establish structures that help them stay accountable to these intentions.
  • We help organizations build inclusive and anti-racist organizational culture. Many well-meaning organizations who value racial equity perpetuate white supremacy culture within their organizations by conforming to white-centric norms of what expertise looks like, what styles of communication are deemed effective and appropriate, and how decisions ought to be made. These practices must be unlearned. An anti-racist organizational culture is not established simply through hiring more People of Color. As organizations seek to center racial equity, they must adopt equitable organizational practices, so that Leaders of Color can stay, be supported, and succeed.
  • We provide a space for people to learn, grow, and challenge themselves and others. We work to ensure that our program and training participants feel safe and comfortable to be their authentic selves. We don’t expect perfection; rather, we expect that we will make mistakes. We practice gentleness and forgiveness, while also holding ourselves and others accountable to do better. At the same time, we understand that in order to dismantle the influences of systemic racism, we must be willing to lean into discomfort. Because white supremacy is so deeply ingrained in societal and organizational culture, the act of disentangling it can feel disruptive and unsettling. We help our partners understand this discomfort and learn to see it as an essential part of the work

While our training and support offerings grew out of our work in the outdoors and environmental movement, we work with clients in a variety of fields. The issues we seek to address through our services are present in every sector and we are eager to connect with folks who share a commitment to advancing racial justice, regardless of their connection to the outdoors.

What we have offered:

Trainings: Our trainings prepare individuals and institutions to become agents of change for increased racial justice in their work. Whether online or in person, our facilitators can support your organization on a variety of topics and offer concrete tools to strengthen commitments to anti-racism. You can view a sampling of our training topics here.

Organizational Assessments: Organizational assessments are designed to identify organizational perceptions, engagement, strengths, challenges, and opportunities with respect to anti-racism. We develop our findings through surveys, focus groups, individual interviews, and archival research and present clients with a summary report and recommendations for next steps. 

Technical Assistance: Our technical assistance offerings provide targeted support to build capacity and institutionalize change at an organization. We offer a variety of services in this category, such as coaching and consulting, and remain flexible in order to best meet your needs around anti-racist work.

On-Demand Workshops: Our On-demand workshops feature interactive activity-based trainings that allow you and your team to learn at your own pace, on your own schedule. You can choose from a variety of topics related to equity, inclusion, and justice at your workplace.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about how Justice Outside might meet your consulting, coaching, and/or organizational assessment needs. We are taking most of 2024 to reflect and design a new approach that allows us to add our unique and valuable contributions to the field. Please fill out this inquiry form and we will reach out to you in the fall with an update.