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Felicia Baeza

South Bay cohort

My name is Felicia Baeza, pronouns she/her/hers. I live in San Jose, CA with my partner Ray and our three cats, Luke, Leia, and Traya, and rabbit, Toby. It has been almost seven years since I switched to a vegan lifestyle and I am so happy with the changes I have made. I love animals and I volunteer at the San Jose Animal Care Center and Rancho Compassion, a Farm Animal Sanctuary in Nicasio, CA. I also really enjoy being outside in nature. I started hiking after graduating high school and realized my appreciation and love for wild landscapes. In the last few years, I started trail running, camping, birding and recently have gone on a few overnight backpacking trips! I am always up for an adventure and like to make the most out of my free time. I would love to develop my skills in the outdoors and share my knowledge with future generations. I know how important having a connection to nature is on a mental health level but I want to show children the magic and preciousness of our wild spaces in hopes that protecting nature will be honored for generations to come. I am excited to help bring diversity to the outdoors and I am eager to see what change I can eventually make within the organizations I will work with. I am thankful for the OEI Program and cannot wait to get started.