Program Coordinator – San Francisco / Oakland cohort

Excited and ready, Laura “Lau” Hernandez (she/they) was thrilled to be given the opportunity to come back to help run the 2020 OEI, a program that had provided so much for them back in 2018. Since then, Lau has graduated college with honors with a B.S. in Recreation, Parks & Tourism from SFSU, created and led an Air Quality Monitoring summer program for Literacy for Environmental Justice and GreenAction, and has since moved back home to Stockton, California. She has been searching and engaging in different ways to give back to the community that raised her. They are a proud Queer Latinx environmental educator, adventurer, master napper, activist, and life long learner. They hope to one day create more accessible, equitable, meaningful, and bountiful green spaces in her hometown of Stockton that will offer community programming that is free and welcoming to ALL people that access it. But as of right now she is learning all the tools to make that dream a reality and is actively working on their own self improvement and growth.