Fresno cohort

I am Chucho, hijo de María, Elizondo y Jose,…a fourth generation activist as well as a displaced Mexican migrant of color in pursuit of environmental justice for Pachamama and us its creature-tenants; in particular for first generation/migrant families via a platform of solidarity and multilateral outdoor experiential pedagogy…AND always looking forward to amplify the echoes and visions of our ancestors, parents, and other trailblazers while sharing forward their uplifting and paving way for humane justice in its multidimensional forms including those of the outdoor and environmental justice movements.
Having studied Chican@ Studies and Latin@ America Studies at CSU Fresno widened my perception and capacities to collectively engage and contribute to the socio-economic, educational, health, and environmental justice struggles of our families and our communities in the San Joaquin Central Valley. I am grateful and appreciative to the networks (programs and individuals) of solidarity for their mentorship, agency, advocacy, and collective cultivation of my activism and advocacy as an undocumented student; it reminds me that I am far from being exceptional or entitled. Being part of the Justice Outside cohort provides us with an essential platform of engagement and knowledge as well as its valuable networks which are rare and inaccessible to most of the working class; particularly to us communities and families of color. Tlazokamati