2018 OEI Participant

Rosalind is an educator and adventurer. For over a decade, she was teaching high school math to students in the district she grew up in. Her passion for the outdoors began when she was 26 years old. Rosalind started backpacking and mountain biking around the US, and traveling abroad. The outdoors empowered Rosalind with courage, confidence, and self-reliance. She thought it was important for others to experience the outdoors so she took her friends on their first rock climbing and backpacking trips, and she was able to witness the growth her friends went through after the trips. Rosalind decided she wanted to also share the power and peace that the outdoors has given her with her students as well. She started working with Outward Bound this summer, and is looking forward to making day camps and expeditions more accessible to diverse communities and people of all abilities. She is excited to be a part of the Outdoor Educators Institute to learn how to create culturally relevant and inclusive outdoor learning environment for everyone.