2017 OEI Alum

Victoria Garica is Chiricahua Apache and grew up on the Round Valley Indian Reservation in Northern California. Vickie also identifies as Chicana in addition to all of her intersecting identities for which she uses writing as a way to process the complexities of life. Vickie has invested much of her time in youth empowerment, creative resistance and healing, spoken word, music and multimedia, outdoor education, substance abuse prevention, and the intersection of physical health, mental health, and community wellness. Vickie is passionate about disrupting the status quo, challenging authority, and dismantling systems of oppression. Vickie graduated from UC Berkeley with a major in American Studies and a concentration in Native American Representations in Film and Performance. She also double minored in Native American Studies and Creative Writing and plans to eventually attend medical school after completing the requirements in the SF State Post-Bacc program. Vickie writes poetry as a form of resistance.