Joy Outside shares stories from our community, centering the experiences and wisdom of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in the outdoors and environmental movement.


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Two young people on a yellow kayak. They are wearing blue vests and jackets.


Justice Outside builds organizational capacity and develops future leaders through the following three programs: the Outdoor Educators Institute, a three month-long professional and workforce development program for young adults from communities historically underrepresented in the outdoors narrative; the Rising Leaders Fellowship, which supports the professional development of individuals enthusiastic about connecting communities to the outdoors in culturally relevant and inclusive ways by effecting culture change within their organizations; and the Cultural Relevancy Series, a set of comprehensive workshops, paired with coaching, for organizations to strengthen their understanding and practice of cultural relevancy as it pertains to the outdoor field.

Links to Grantmaking page.


Justice Outside invests in organizations and programs working to create a more just and sustainable outdoor and environmental movement. Our Liberated Paths program aims to shift resources to and build power with Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color. Grantees are rooted within their communities, with the lived experience they need to understand what approaches will work the best for their communities. We support leaders of color to design and lead the types of joyful outdoor experiences and environmental efforts that are most meaningful to them and their communities. 

An art piece by Peter Pa for Amplifier that shows a person's face's silhouette with images of buildings and clouds super imposed on it. The colors rage from the reds at the bottom of the image to blues and purples at the top. The text on the poster reads: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW


Justice Outside embraces its leadership role in reshaping the outdoors movement as well as philanthropy. Guided by our programs and partners around the country, we advocate for racial justice and equity in the outdoor and environmental movements, equity and justice in environmental philanthropy, and support for Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color on the frontlines of climate change. We uplift the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color around racial equity, the outdoors, and climate justice and work in solidarity with other advocacy organizations to pool our power for change. We mobilize and empower our community to be agents of change. Join our email list to learn about opportunities to take action.



Participants in capacity building programs


Organizations supported by our equity, inclusion, justice, and cultural relevancy trainings

$20 Million

Distributed to 200+ community organizations

Our Mission

Justice Outside advances racial justice and equity in the outdoor and environmental movement. We shift resources to, build power with, and center the voices and leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color because the health of current and future generations demands it.

Our Vision

We envision a just world where Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color experience safety, health, and abundant joy through meaningful relationships with one another and the outdoors.

Core Values

Racial Justice: We prioritize creating access and leadership opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in order to remedy their historic and systemic exclusion from the outdoor movement. We strive to ensure that equitable access to nature, professional opportunities in the environmental sector, and healthy and fulfilling lives can be achieved by all members of society.

Community: We recognize that our origins held youth-serving organizations as the primary beneficiaries of our grantmaking and that through that program, we were also aware of the broader communities we were supporting. In recognizing the importance of supporting whole communities and acknowledging the power of intergenerational engagement, we honor that youth are an integral part of their communities.

Inclusion: We create environments and opportunities that embrace difference and honor the whole person, so that they feel welcomed, valued, and supported to fully and authentically participate in the outdoors.

Courage: We boldly ignite momentum and rally support for racial justice and inclusion in the outdoors by asking hard questions, facilitating difficult conversations, and offering solutions needed to drive systems change across the field.

Relevancy: We listen to and learn from communities of color who are leading the fight for racial justice within the environmental sector so that we can remain relevant and effective using our own leadership role to address needs as they arise.

Radical Transformation: We focus on creating new pathways to transform the way communities interact with, appreciate, and care for the outdoors. Simultaneously, we insist that the outdoor movement rectify its history of exclusion and center racial justice in its everyday practices.

Authentic Relationships: We create and develop relationships rooted in trust and a shared vision of justice, equity, and inclusion. Our leadership role demands that we adapt to challenges with humility and flexibility, keeping lines of communication open, and making adjustments to achieve shared goals and to embrace opportunities.

Well-Being: We advocate for access to the benefits of the outdoors in order to increase the health and holistic wellness of all people and as part of a commitment to ensure the health of our world.

Help us increase meaningful and safe participation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in outdoor spaces.