Laura Hernandez

Outdoor Educators Institute Program Coordinator

A photo of Lau outside. They are wearing a beige shirt with the text "give back to the land," part of which can be seen in the photo. Behind them are the blurred green leaves of a tree.

Laura Hernandez (they/them) was thrilled to be given the opportunity to come back to help run the 2020 Outdoor Educators Institute (OEI), a program that provided so much for them back in 2018. Since then, Laura has graduated college with honors with a B.S. in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism from San Francisco State University, created and led an Air Quality Monitoring summer program for Literacy for Environmental Justice and GreenAction, and are so excited to help improve and grow the OEI program in the years to come. They are a loud and proud Queer Latine environmental educator, adventurer, master napper, activist, comic enthusiast, Green Witch, and life-long learner. They love supporting other young folks to live in their vision and help them achieve their goals. They are also a huge advocate for constant self improvement and growth, both of which are the center of their work.

To contact Laura, send them an email at