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Thank you for showing up at our event! (10/8/2018) - On behalf of everyone at Justice Outside, we want to share our heartfelt appreciation for those of you who came out to our October 23rd event, A Generation of Hope and Change. We hope that you left feeling as inspired by the amazing speakers as we did! (Share on Facebook) The stories they shared about… Continue Reading Thank you for showing up at our event!
#DifficultTerrain: Stories of Summer (8/29/2018) - Stories of Summer It’s time for young people to return to school and inevitably, they will be asked – by teachers and peers – about their summer. What did you do this summer? Tell me a story about your summer break…. Will those stories include meaningful experiences outside? Did these youth go for a hike, spend… Continue Reading #DifficultTerrain: Stories of Summer
Diversity – The Dangerous 9-Letter Umbrella (8/2/2018) - Diversity: The Dangerous 9-Letter Umbrella Diversity. This word is constantly used among the groups working in our space. Think about it. Calls for more diversity are everywhere. We need to increase diversity in the outdoors. We need more diverse staff in national parks. We need environmental groups to increase the diversity of their boards and… Continue Reading Diversity – The Dangerous 9-Letter Umbrella
Introducing #DifficultTerrain (6/14/2018) - Bringing Equity and Inclusion into the Sunlight It’s finally June – the official beginning of summer. It’s the month of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and a time to celebrate and honor our connection to the sun and to the earth. For many children, it’s a time to reconnect with the outdoors. School is out… Continue Reading Introducing #DifficultTerrain