My name is Romaine, like the lettuce. Or from Rome, in my first language (French). I am a Gabonese & French, BIPOCQT member working in mental health. I am a lover of nature and all of the wisdom it holds. I am a believer that we are powerful creators of our reality, and that it is an act of strength and resistance to do what fuels and inspires us. I am first and foremost a supporter of beings, no matter their ethnicity, identity, orientation, gender, ability, etc. and believe in sharing our unique talents to make our world a better place. I pride myself in sharing space with and encouraging people to get in touch with nature, connecting through stillness and flow, and making something out of nothing. In my mental health and wellness practice as a mental health clinician and guide, as well as support page @positivitychanges, I empower people to find their strength within, and enjoy seeing the connections they make as they come to their own power through their senses and connections. In my crafting workshops with @theredbarnconnection, I’ve led children and adults in making arts and crafts such as bird houses, as well as work with people to create sustainable changes that support them and the environment they live in (i.e. composting, bird house making, etc.). My favorite part about working with children and their families, is to see their curious minds and joy they have when creating. It’s also to see and support those who may have doubts in their abilities to overcome the narratives they hold and create new ones through compassion and a little challenge. As a nature enthusiast, I created a meetup group called Safe & Outdoor, where the focus had been to keep myself accountable to do weekly sunrise hikes, which turned into a safe space for people who may not have known or had access to outdoor spaces, hiking, and exploring in nature, access to support for outings. This also led me to create @topofthemountaintoyou which shares tid bits of teachings from each climb and journey. I love all the things I do, and the people I meet along the way, and as I continue to build my own life, I also like to take time for solo adventures, spending time with family and loved ones, as well as my dogs, cats that keep showing up on my property, chickens and peacocks, and goats. As I learn from all experiences and beings, I hope to one day create a holistic wellness center to share all of the beneficial healing practices I’ve been privileged to have, and highlight those the community in the valley has to offer. Doing so in an affordable and accessible way for all, so that those who seek it, can be @united.in.wellness.