We’ve Been Out Here: BIPOC Leadership Points the Way to Mental Health in Nature

Closeup photo of two different hands holding coffee mugs together in a toast.

“Nature as medicine” is not a new or novel idea for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Communities of Color have been turning to nature for mental and physical healing since time immemorial. Not only do communities around the world use a variety of herbs and practices to address physical pain and injury, but there… Continue Reading We’ve Been Out Here: BIPOC Leadership Points the Way to Mental Health in Nature

Overcoming Bias in our Understanding of Nature and Mental Health

Graphic featuring a photo of Lau Hernandez, Kim Moore Bailey, and Rena Payan. Photo by Brooke Anderson.

Justice Outside spotlighted in National Recreation Foundation article From the piece: “There’s a lot of research supporting the idea that time in nature has a positive effect on our mental health. Exposure to green space decreases stress, boosts mood, and helps our bodies’ systems reset and rejuvenate. Nature is good for us. While this truism… Continue Reading Overcoming Bias in our Understanding of Nature and Mental Health

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