Forging a Liberated Path

a photo of the sky and mountains in the evening as stars begin to appear

Moving towards Racial, Environmental, and Philanthropic Justice At our November 10, 2021 virtual event, we welcomed you, our Justice Outside community, to join us in conversation. We gathered with some of our closest supporters and partners to explore what’s working and what’s needed as we work towards racial justice in both philanthropy and the environment.… Continue Reading Forging a Liberated Path

Inside Philanthropy: “Green Grantmaking Program Offers Alternative Paths for Getting Funding to the Grassroots”

Today we’re grateful for the thoughtful coverage of our Liberated Paths Grantmaking Program by Michael Kavate for Inside Philanthropy. From the introduction: A couple years ago, Kim Moore Bailey embarked on a series of conversations with the heads of the small, grassroots environmental groups that her organization, Justice Outside, supports. The leaders, who were all… Continue Reading Inside Philanthropy: “Green Grantmaking Program Offers Alternative Paths for Getting Funding to the Grassroots”

Announcing ‘Working Toward Racial Equity:’ A Training Series with the Lawrence Hall of Science

Today, in collaboration with the Lawrence Hall of Science BEETLES project, we are proud to announce the kick-off of the 2-year training series, Working Toward Racial Equity, which supports environmental and outdoor science organizations to build capacity to foster equitable, inclusive, and culturally relevant work environments and organizations. The National Science Foundation is funding this… Continue Reading Announcing ‘Working Toward Racial Equity:’ A Training Series with the Lawrence Hall of Science

Justice Outside x Sogorea Te’ Land Trust: Explore-A-Thon 2021 Gathering

a group of young people on a kayak on a river surrounded by green trees

In July of 2021, we convened our community face-to-face for our Explore-A-Thon 2021 in-person event. Explore-A-Thon is Justice Outside’s annual summer campaign to raise funds for our racial justice work and celebrate Black, Indigenous, and People of Color’s joy in the outdoors. This unique in-person event featured alumnx and leaders from the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust. THE EAST… Continue Reading Justice Outside x Sogorea Te’ Land Trust: Explore-A-Thon 2021 Gathering

Preserving A Community’s Mental Health: A Radical Act Towards Justice and Reconnection with the Land

Through the UndocuHealing program, a part of the New Mexico Dream Team, we hold communal spaces, host healing retreats, provide daily practices for self-healing and uplift ancestral practices to help preserve our people’s mental and spiritual health.  Read more Continue Reading Preserving A Community’s Mental Health: A Radical Act Towards Justice and Reconnection with the Land

Outdoors for All Act to Pass the House!

YES! The Outdoors for All act passed the House. By investing in our community parks, playgrounds, trails and green spaces through the Outdoors For All Act, we will create thousands of jobs, improve flooding resilience, manage stormwater, while directing investments to underserved communities, and working towards every community having access to a quality park. Read more Continue Reading Outdoors for All Act to Pass the House!

We are Justice Outside!

“Justice Outside” elevates our ultimate mission of advancing racial justice and equity in the outdoor and environmental movement. Bold, clear, and forthright, our new name tells the world exactly who we are, highlighting the work we’ve been doing for years to center the voices and leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who are building a more inclusive future for the movement.  Read more Continue Reading We are Justice Outside!

Changing the Narrative of the Outdoors: Tammy Pham’s Herstory in Mountain and Snow Sports

As part of honoring Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, we’re pleased to share a guest post from Yvan Tran about Tammy Phan, both members of Outdoor Asian. Their conversation speaks to the highs and lows in getting outdoors as womxn of color and the role of community and mentorship in the process. Outdoor Asian Washington provides opportunities for Asian & Pacific Islanders and other communities of color to connect with the natural world through celebrating land, oceans, coasts, and culture. They are one of our inaugural Liberated Paths grantees. Read more Continue Reading Changing the Narrative of the Outdoors: Tammy Pham’s Herstory in Mountain and Snow Sports

On Accountability and the Path Ahead

Dear Friends, Yesterday’s ruling in the trial of Derek Chauvin is a welcome if overdue expression of accountability. As many have rightly pointed out, true justice would entail George Floyd still being alive. While the three guilty verdicts can’t bring him back, we acknowledge the important message sent by the jurors in this case. We’re… Continue Reading On Accountability and the Path Ahead

Ambassadors for Land Conservation and the Center for Native American Youth Celebrate Women’s History Month

The Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) honors Women’s History Month, recognizing the contemporary contributions of Native American women every day. Our mission at CNAY is to improve the health, safety, and overall well-being of Native American youth. CNAY works toward this mission through projects such as Ambassadors for Land Conservation, a program that is partially supported by Justice Outside’s Liberated Paths Grantmaking Program. Read more Continue Reading Ambassadors for Land Conservation and the Center for Native American Youth Celebrate Women’s History Month

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